Friday, May 25, 2018

I haven’t posted on this blog in 10 years, which makes me feel pretty old. In fact, I forgot this blog existed, which also makes me feel pretty old. I looked through some of the old posts; they made me feel happy, nostalgic, embarrassed and even sad. I’m happy because I’m still madly in love with Nick. Nostalgic because I remember how much I enjoyed  tooling around New York with my SLR digital camera, embarrassed because I was (and am still) such a dork, and sad because Sara Lasky, pictures twice here during her visit to NYC in 2008, passed away and I’ll always miss her. One other point: I was pretty furious about Sarah Palin back then. Her brand of crazy  seems quaint these days. This pic of me and Nick is from a recent trip to Washington, DC.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Oh, yeah

Seen today on a construction wall on Bedford Ave.
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Liberal Bias Indeed

Yes, Gov. Palin, it's true. The truth really does have a liberal bias. Which explains why you're so conservative. After all, you're still trying to convince people that the Alaska Legislature's investigation was run by Sen. Obama, even though the allegations against you were made before you were Sen. McCain's GILF VP candidate. Go back to Alaska, lady. We need you to keep an eye on Russia.
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Adios 9K

I took this picture at work when the Dow fell below 9,000. Remember when the House of Representatives first rejected the Wall Street bailout bill at the end of September, and the Dow fell 778 points - the biggest drop ever? It fell to 10,365. Now that looks pretty good. This past week it fell even further and the market lost $2.24 trillion in value. The next president is going to have his hands full.
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Surely Not!

I think it's sexist for CNN and other news outlets to constantly specify the gender of suicide bombers when they're female. What's the point? I assume they think it's more sensational, and that more people will click on the headline and please their advertisers. Or the problem is simply that editors are still convinced that women can't do everything men can do, so they're personally shocked by something like this. Weird. You would think that at least now, during the Hillary-Sarah election, they would be a little more aware. It's not like CNN still refer to Gov. Palin as the first Republican VP candite in every headline.
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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pandering Palin

This ad on CNN's website proves that Sen. McCain's choice of Gov. Palin as his running mate was nothing more than a megapander. McCain is selling her gender -- and it's historic implications -- as pretty much the only reason to click on this ad. Pathetic, and yet expected. The Republican ticket is transparent to the extreme.
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Typical New York Post

It's no secret the New York Post is drunk on McCain's kool-aid, but seriously folks. How can a New York paper even try to convince people in this city that Gov. Palin was anything but a pathetic failure during the VP debate? How can anyone take this paper seriously?
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